Whitefield, Maine
Whitefield is very rich !
It is rich in many ways, and history is the source of our greatest wealth. Images provide the proof of this. And, the Friends of Whitefield have a wonderful and growing collection ! People open their photo albums to us so that we can aim our camera and make copies, Our Historical Society is becoming more interested in sharing images, people are always attaching their images to e-mails to us and the online recourses seem to grow daily!
See the Whitefield Archives
See our ALBUMS here
It is one of our major goals to make these images available on our website for people EVERYWHERE, ANYTIME ! No more trying to find the time to drive to a place that is seldom open to spend hours searching for the object of your desires and then have to pay to have a copy made .
Your help to this end is needed and welcome. You may want to help us in some of the following ways:
* Share some of your own images.
* Help us locate other sources.
10 am on the morning of July 4th 1909, the Whitefield Centennial parade
featuring the Saint Cecelia's Boy's marching band and the Civil War veterans
from the Erskine Post of the Grand Army of the Republic marched through
Turners Corner in what is now North Whitefield village. This fantastic image captures the spirit that our community can muster to celebrate.
A Brief History An 1886 History A Timeline of Whitefield's History
Whitefield WW&F RR Old School Pictures
An index of 1000's of Whitefield names Early maps of Whitefield Friends of Whitefield Newsletter