Friends Of
Newsletter - October 2001.  .  .  .  .  .  

A free, un-official, occasional  e-newsletter about matters of our town, Whitefield, Maine.
 * How-to-Subscribe * How-to Contribute * Contact-Webmaker*

In This Issue: (just click on the picture or underlined link)................................................

Whitefield has a FANTASTIC new addition !!! An observatory ! Click on the picture to read about this intriguing structure and the energetic organization behind its creation. This institution promises to make a great contribution to the citizenry of Whitefield !

Read too, about the GREAT contribution a famous Whitefield man made to the world of astronomy almost 150 years ago ! click here for the article!

Whitefield has shown a significant interest in its physical attractiveness this year. People all over town have made an effort to show how their property reflects their feeling about their community. 

Organizations have taken it upon themselves to grasp opportunities to "feel good" about our town.

Click on the picture to see the recent attractive and inspiring displays of the well designed student's "Hero's of Whitefield" art project.

Sue Mckeen writes a note about her feelings on planning issues.
Click here to read it. If you would like to respond to Sue click here.
You are encouraged to contribute your own thoughts on matters that relate to Whitefield. Just e-mail them to the Webmaker.



Here is still another Whitefield website ! Click on the picture to see Townhouse Road's Sheepscot Valley Brewing Company page. We hope to have a feature on this fascinating new business that makes hand crafted brews that are selling like crazy all over the mid-coast. I can hardly wait for it to arrive in our own Country Farms Restaurant. ASK for it there!

Click on the scarecrow to see a photo essay on Whitefield Garden Club's first Scarecrow parade. What a wonderful display it was ! Nearly a score of entries ranging in size from 18 inches to nearly 15 feet tall ! Creativity abound ! There were fall games for children and a very successful home-made food sale. Dan & Dolly Burns won one of the prizes with this animated patriot.  If you would like to encourage this sort of activity that helps build community, you are encouraged to join the garden club.
 Contact Tim Chase.

The Whitefield MINES. Click on the picture to read a short piece by  webmaker, David Chase on his idea to change the words we use to describe our gravel industry. Your own thoughts are him.



Lincoln County News features an insight into the very involved life of Whitefield's own Stuart Fergusson written by Lucy Martin.
  Click here to read it
Many thanks to Lucy and the Lincoln County News for permission to use this late breaking piece. (I encourage you to read the LCN version to see better quality pictures. I apologize for the scans ...d.c.) 





Whitefield's Garden Clubs' first effort at bridge beautification can be seen in the form of a picture essay by clicking on the image. Tim Chase, leader of the club has been instrumental in inspiring the members to great achievement by his own tireless work on these projects. THANKS TIM !!



Kristen Chase Mason (Steve & Mary Lou's daughter) put her hometown on the television screens of the world when she was seen outside on the TODAY SHOW on June 27th. Click on the picture to see the images.
Thanks Kristen !





     Naomi Poland of Kings Mills sent these digital images that she made of our beautiful Sheepscot Links golf course

Thanks Naomi !

Send us your images of Whitefield.



FREE ----- Any "Friend of Whitefield" may have a dozen BLACK WALNUTS  from our tree. These can be planted now, for spring sprouting. Black Walnut trees (Juglans nigra L.) grow well here in our Sheepscot Valley, and are a rewarding investment in the future. The wood is beautiful, the nuts delicious and the husks can be used to make dye & ink .
Call (549-5761) or drop me an E-mail if you are interested.



***......for BACK ISSUES of "Friends of Whitefield" newsletters (click here)

***  ....and of course click here to visit  the unofficial Whitefield website !

Some of the items planned for upcoming issues:

*Whitefield's lost cemeteries. *
* Dave Jackson's inside story on his retrieval of  the first astronauts to the moon.*
* "The Islands of Whitefield" - maps of the post Ice Age by David Chase *

* Learn about the man from Whitefield who signed to play major league baseball.*
Steve Gorrill's Brewery.*
* Read about the Whitefield mother of 8 who fought tirelessly to bring a hot lunch program to our school.*
Gordon Kellor's new cabinetry shop.*
Discover fascinating details of the life of George Whitefield, our namesake *
* Discover about the boy who left Whitefield barefooted and penniless and ended up building the tallest skyscraper in Detroit !*
* And more opinions, thoughts and pictures by and of our town and its people.......*

words to ponder.......


The effects of our actions may be postponed
but they are never lost.
There is an inevitable reward for good deeds
and an inescapable punishment for bad.
Meditate upon this truth,
and seek always to earn good wages from Destiny.

- Fu Wu Ming