Tapping Sugar Maples ; The Country Gentleman, cover illustration . N. C. Wyeth  (1882 - 1945)

 "sappin" at
Mark & Austin's  Maple Orchard
Uncas Farm

- March 2020 -  

Welcome to our 15th issue of the "on-line" "Friends of Whitefield" newsletter.
This is a free, un-official, and occasional  e-zine about matters of our wonderful town, Whitefield, Maine.

David Chase -editor

Whitefield's Writers, Playwrights, Poets & Chroniclers

click to enjoy
In the last issue, we presented our Whitefield Archive's album of Art and Artists... This issue we look at yet another segment of Whitefield's impressive creative community.


The Whitefield
Boys of Summer

Dobsonsonflys  &  Hellgrammites


I have many "hobbies".
One that has been entertaining me for years has been seeking out and compiling a virtual collection of as many versions of our Maine State Seal, as I can find.

Recently upon the creation of our "Whitefield Archives", I recognized a place where that collection could find a home - a place where it could, like the scores of other collection albums stored there, be quickly updated, edited and easily accessed,

And so it is, that now I am able to share that

 collection here for you to enjoy.

and in addition, I was moved to make the video presentation of those seals seen below, as my little contribution to Maine's 200th birthday !


In recognition of David Hayden's MDOT contributions, here is :

the Clary Bridge Album.

Where is this ?

This vintage Cyanotype postcard from Whitefield appeared online..
To me, it has the feel of the Town Farm Road going into Maine Helicopter's heliport.

Reader Comments:

Re: January "Friends of Whitefield" newsletter :

Susannah Lowden: "Cool stuff, David. Thx!"

Re: What's Happening around Whitefield :

AnnMarie Maguire: "Another way to check the weather is a weather stick.
I’ve used one here in the island for several years and it is as accurate as the weather report (maybe better!)
I think it’s spruce, about 15 “ long.
Michael Popkin: "Bravo...I check Katahdin Webcam and Rockland Harbormaster and Breakwater every day. This too now.
Patricia Parks : " Love it! Thank you."

Kit Stultz: "Thanks David: I've been checking the The Damariscotta and Tim's web cameras for years.
When I'm out of State or country I can get a visual of what's going on in the neighborhood.
Another good site hosts the two live cams at Pemaquid Lighthouse and gift shop. Great video images."
Derrick Daye: "Love this! Someday we’ll add a St. Dennis bell tower cam!"
Art Dyer: "I thought it was always sunny in Whitefield. Art"

Re: February "Friends of Whitefield" newsletter :

Marie Sacks:
We sure do have some talented people in this town. Thanks for including Julian.  Did I miss it or is there no mention of historians?
Natasha Mayers:
"David, it is so wonderful to see your collection of Whitefield creatives.....and thanks for this gift you make for all of us "
Christine LaPado-Breglia:
" Thanks.."
Derrick Daye "Loved this Uncle Babe! Especially the artists page -- Wow -- so much talent! Hope 2020 is off to a great start!

Art Dyer:
"Dave, Very nice! "
Sharon LaMothe :
"Just wanted you to know that I enjoy your news letter! Thank you for taking the time to put it together.
I send it to Roland and Kathy LaMothe and my mother!"

Re "When will spring arrive:"

Peter Green : "I'm looking for the harbingers: maple sap, pussy willows, skunk cabbage, bluets, willow catkins, red maple buds. "
Arthur Mayers:
 "Haiku for spring... If forsythia Do not come back till April Why the heck do we!"
David Cheever
: "‘Tis true, ‘tis pity; ‘tis pity, ‘tis true.
Mike Sodano:
"Thanks David. We'll be back from Florida then."
Tony Marple:
"Will winter ever arrive? We haven’t had one rain free snowstorm yet.
Gary Woodcock:
"..Really Neat.."


on writing :

I try to create sympathy for my characters, then turn the monsters loose. – Stephen King

Prose is architecture, not interior decoration. – Ernest Hemingway

Most writers regard the truth as their most valuable possession, and therefore are most economical in its use.
– Mark Twain

If you can tell stories, create characters, devise incidents, and have sincerity and passion, it doesn’t matter a damn how you write.
 Somerset Maugham

  *......for BACK ISSUES of "Friends of Whitefield" newsletters (click here)

  *......to contact the editor (click here)