Friends Of
- June 2004 -
to our 9th issue of the "on-line' "Friends of
Whitefield" newsletter. This is a free, un-official, and occasional
e-zine about matters of our wonderful town,
Whitefield, Maine.
David Chase -editor
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In our last
newsletter the head picture showed the view looking West down Grand Army
hill from Tim Chase's webcam and the village. Here we are again looking West but
this time up toward the village from what now is Jefferson Road. This view is
just about 100 years old . Leo and Millie Gould's home and the
"Parsonage" Barn are as they are today. The large Hodgkin's store occupies
the north side of the road.
This Issue: (just
click on the picture or underlined
My uncle Chet (Chester Harry Chase ) was an entrepreneur from the get go.
Today we would say C.H. was a "mover and a shaker". When he
wasn't promoting, organizing and otherwise making things happen in Whitefield,
Chet was enjoying his many tools.
There are those who make the error of referring to man's tools as "toys".
Chet's bulldozers, boats, trucks, water skis and particularly his 16mm movie
camera were all sources of great enjoyment and achievement.
In this issue we will take a brief look at just one of many motion picture
creations Chet created. Click on his image to read about a fascinating fly over
Whitefield 50 years ago.
last November's issue we saw some of Tony Marple's photographic images created
in the traditional analog mode.
With a digital camera, Tony has reached new levels of creativity. Without
the problems presented by a darkroom or a 3rd party developer/printer, he is
able to concentrate on extracting and amplifying the elements of his creation.
Click on the image to see more of
Tony's work made here around town and on his frequent hikes.
click on the map to see more
Whitefield's 3rd Comprehensive
Plan development committee, in its effort to describe the characteristics of our
town in greater detail and variety, contacted Paul Hoffman.
The Sheepscot Valley Conservation Association, through its GIS (Geographic Information System) Support Center, is providing mapping and analysis
services free of charge to several towns in the Sheepscot River watershed currently involved in updating their town's Comprehensive Plans.
The SVCA's goal is to better inform both town and regional planning efforts, believing
that better conservation will be one of the benefits. Made possible by grants from the Betterment Fund, the Horizon Fund and the State of Maine's
Coastal Stewards program, the SVCA has been supporting Whitefield's comprehensive planning committee with maps of wildlife habitat, traffic
issues, water supply issues, historic structures and parcels, as well as
working maps for public meetings.
In the May 12th, 2004 edition
of the Lincoln County News, our own Lucy Martin wrote a wonderful piece on
Thelma Newell who lived most of her life on the old Newell homestead on East
River Road.
Having know the Newells all of my life and appreciated the perspective they gave
to our community's fast pace changes, Lucy's report and her photograph was a
welcome reminder of days past.
Click on Thelma's image to read
the engaging article.
Did you ever wonder who had telephones in the late 20's and early 30's in the Whitefield exchange ?
Well. click on the listing to see...
had the good fortune to visit with Ed Mooney Sr. on South Hunt's Meadow
Road last fall. The purpose of my visit was to find out more about the stories
Dad use to tell about how he and Ed had "volunteered" to look for enemy
aircraft during the WWII days.
Most of the men in the area who were not fighting in the war were working to
build war ships . Dad & Ed were among those who were part of this
"war effort" on the home front.
When I found this "blackout" notice, I was again reminded of those stories about the little station in back of Ed Douglas's store on Dysart hill where, after their shift at the shipyard, they scanned the skies for enemy aircraft .
In a future newsletter I hope to add some depth to this subject, and in the meantime I hope some one of you will be moved to share a story of those days so long ago.
Whitefield people have never been shy about getting involved in matters that
they deem important. This involvement isn't restricted to the usual political or
religious arenas.
Click on the scene to read an account by Bill Bunting of a matter that has
captured the passion and energy of several Whitefielders. You may not agree with
their view, but you must admire their zeal for answers.
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Whitefield website !
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words to ponder.......
Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.
- Kahlil Gibran