Friends Of
Newsletter - June 2002.    

Welcome to our 5th issue of the "on-line'  "Friends of Whitefield" newsletter. This  is a free, un-official, and occasional  e-zine about matters of our wonderful town, Whitefield, Maine.
David Chase -editor
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In This Issue: (just click on the picture or underlined link)................................................

The lively watercolor above in the masthead shows the WW&F # 2 locomotive headed south toward Wiscasset as it passes the Ford Mill at Kings Mills (click on the picture to see a full screen close up of the painting!). This painting by Jan Rons of New Mexico (courtesy John Hansen of Ohio) will adorn the cover of volume II of the great new 4 volume set about our own Narrow Gauge Rail here for the details on this exciting publication

Seen here on the left is Volume 1-
click the picture to enlarge.


Across the river on the East River Road - Bob and Midge Bradford have been raising sheep since 1974. They both retired from teaching at Lafayette College and have been enjoying their farm ever since. Vernon Hicks of Jefferson performed the annual ritual .
Click the picture to see a photo essay on this event.



click here for information


Paul MacDonald has written a insightful and well crafted recollection of the "Early Years the 20th Century" . Most of these stories center around Whitefield and the area near his boyhood home on 126 just over the Jefferson line. Paul has generously given permission for us to include his work here in the Friends of Whitefield Newsletter. We will be serializing many of these stories in future issues. You can purchase copies of this book at Uncas Farm Store and from the Whitefield Historical Society.

Click here to read his piece on "Railroad Stories"


On a bright sunny October 6th in 1937 The Portland Press Herald had hired The Portland Flying Service to take aerial photographs of the mid-coast area. The Portland Flying Service had just began regular seasonal passenger air service between Portland and Rangeley in 1936!
Through some good detective work by Jerry DeVos, Elwin Hussey and the Editor, we have located three spectacular aerial images from those halcyon pre-war days. 

To see these amazing pictures, just click on the village name:

Coopers Mills         North Whitefield        Kings Mills

Joe McCabe, along with his brother and sisters spent many years of their youth here in Whitefield. Now, over 50 years later Joe is back visiting some of his old friends. Click on Joe's picture to read of his interesting life after the daunting experiences of life in foster care. His is a real success story and a reminder to us all of the important things in life.




Through the generosity of the Poland family, Maria Goodavge and the Whitefield School the collection of School Pictures on line has nearly doubled to 46 pictures spanning nearly a century ! 
You can see them by clicking here
We are still looking for more !



*......for BACK ISSUES of "Friends of Whitefield" newsletters (click here)
*......for Whitefield weather
(click here)

***  ....and of course click here to visit  the unofficial Whitefield website !

words to ponder.......


Those at the top of the mountain didn't fall there.

- Marcus Washling

Some of the items planned for upcoming issues:

*Whitefield's lost cemeteries. *
* Our own Dave Jackson's inside story on his retrieval of  the first astronauts to the moon.*
* "The Islands of Whitefield" - maps of the post Ice Age by David Chase *

* Learn about the man from Whitefield who signed to play major league baseball.*
Steve Gorrill's Brewery.*
* Read about the Whitefield mother of 8 who fought tirelessly to bring a hot lunch program to our school.*
Gordon Kellor's new cabinetry shop.*
* Discover fascinating details of the life of George Whitefield, our namesake *
* Discover about the boy who left Whitefield barefooted and penniless and ended up building the tallest skyscraper in Detroit !*
* And more opinions, thoughts and pictures by and of our town and its people.......*